PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 96 of 96’s Over-the-Top PR Strategy

March 10 2001

Bizarre is a word I’ve heard muttered often over the past few days when it comes to

Last Thursday, the online closeout retailer announced the filing of an unfair business practices lawsuit against research firm Gradient Analytics and hedge fund Rocker Partners. A number of indivi… Read more

The Public Relations Superbowl

January 31 2001

Ask Rudy Giuliani how one major event can change the public’s perception.

Before the tragic events of September 11, 2001, New York’s then-mayor was not exactly a media darling. His personal life was splashed on the pages of New York’s tabloids, the city’s finances were in awfu… Read more

Irrational Hubris?

January 28 2001

Richard W. Edelman, the president, chief executive officer and namesake of Edelman Public, is a very happy man.

“In a world where we don’t have a belief in a single source, you don’t have a Walter Cronkite anymore. PR is the discipline on the rise,” Edelman told attendees last we… Read more

Katrina’s Public Relations Aftermath

January 27 2001

The September 11th terrorist attacks in New York City made Rudolph Giuliani a hero. The then Mayor of New York City, Giuliani displayed the kind of leadership that enthralls people. He was a mesmerizing force, a steady hand during a time of uncertainty, and a leader willing to get into the trenches with his … Read more

A Little Fund Makes a Big Media Splash

January 08 2001

Kate Lee has the kind of press clippings most PR people would kill for. In less than a year, Lee has been quoted by publications coast-to-coast and appeared on television and radio stations in the U.S. and Canada. Business Week, USA Today, Washington Post, San Jose Mercury News, New York Times, and Atlanta … Read more

Welcome to the PR War

January 04 2001

I admit it, I’m glued to the television.

Back in New York, my television doesn’t even get reception, a nasty reminder of Sept. 11 (the main broadcast antenna for local television was on top of one of the World Trade Center buildings). But I’m down in the mountains of Northern Georgia on a … Read more