PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 36 of 95

How to Properly Research a Reporter before You Pitch Them

June 06 2014

binoculars  searching looking observing  dogI’ve always believed that the better you know a reporter, the more effectively you can pitch them. When you truly understand a reporter’s interests, his or her audience, how he or she likes to be pitched, and other important details, you’re better equipped to create a personalized pitch they’ll notice an… Read more

Video Best Practices for Your Crowdfunding Campaign

June 03 2014

video_presentationCrowdfunding only works if you capture your audience’s attention. Like it or not, a video is absolutely the best way to get that attention, no matter what your ultimate project will be.

Not only does a great video get the point of your project across to your audience quickly and efficiently, it also gives th… Read more

The Shocking Truths Behind “Viral Videos”

May 08 2014

I can’t tell you how many stories I hear of clueless CEOs who go out to their PR team and tell them to “make us a viral video.” Not knowing how the web really works, they think it’s as simple as coming up with the most genius idea ever, filming it, and collecting the money from the Internet truck that pulls up to you… Read more

Why Your First Paragraph in a Press Release is Crucial to Success

May 07 2014

tips and bulb symbol in orange hexagon bannerThere are many vital parts to a press release. Ideally, you want each and every aspect of the piece to be as amazing as possible, especially when you take into account how difficult it is for yours to get noticed by anyone. 

However, you can get away with one or two slip-ups in some areas of your press release. F… Read more

When You Need to Take a PR “Sick Day”

May 02 2014

Sick woman with tissue on sofaI don’t get sick a lot, but when I do, it hits me like a ton of bricks. I’m laid up for a few days hacking my brains out and trying to breathe the best I can just hoping it will pass by soon. Recently my bi-annual bout hit me and I was forced to take a week off. Well, I still worked from my bed, but it’s like I was taking sic… Read more

Turning a Press Release Into a Viral Video

April 24 2014

VWhether a press release gets printed by all the media outlets you wanted it to or completely tanks, there’s always a sense that there’s nothing else you can do with it. Its purpose has been used up and aside from plopping it up on your website’s “news” page, there’s no reason to keep it around.

Except there’s a… Read more

Do These Things After You’ve Received Media Coverage

April 18 2014

newspapers showing extra extra messageYou spend a lot of time and money trying to get earned media. It’s a never-ending war filled with constant defeats in battle. But when you finally do receive positive media coverage, it’s a great feeling, right? What a lot of people don’t realize, however, is that your work isn’t finished. Now, you need to ca… Read more

There’s Nothing Wrong with Admitting You’re Wrong

April 17 2014

oops_signI’m not going to lie. I have a hard time admitting when I’m wrong. But I’m not alone. Most people don’t like admitting they’re wrong. Pride is a tough thing to swallow, and we’ll go to any lengths to justify our mistakes and to pass the blame to someone else.

The problem is that this doesn’t fly in business. If yo… Read more

Why You Should Still Try To Get Print Media Coverage

April 14 2014

newspapers showing extra extra messageBecause most people tend to get their news online these days, most PR people have shifted their efforts from getting coverage in traditional newspapers and magazines to getting coverage on blogs and relevant websites. And while there are certainly many advantages to targeting online publications (e.… Read more

Should You Still Be Putting Keywords In Your Press Release Headlines?

April 09 2014

Big question markWe all know that SEO has evolved drastically over the past year or so. What once worked no longer works today, and if you don’t adapt, you run the risk of damaging your online presence. Simply put, the traditional SEO press release is dead. The days of stuffing your press releases with keywords and keyword-r… Read more