PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 28 of 95

Perfect Timing: Press Release and Journalists

February 12 2018

In life, they say, timing is everything. You have to pay attention or you end up missing opportunities. The same is said for public relations. For this article, we will examine how timing is everything when it comes to sending press releases and why you should have a relationship with the journalists and ot… Read more

How to get Your Local Company in the Local Press

January 15 2018

local newspapersCongratulations on having a successful company! You make doing business and making money look easy, and that ISN’T easy. … Read more

10 Tips for Writing a Converting Sales Page

December 11 2017

Everyone says that they have “the perfect formula” for writing a great sales page that will move visitors into making a purchase. If “everyone” does have the perfect formula, who do you trust? … Read more

Make a Press Release Shareable: 7 Ideas

November 10 2017

Have you ever spent a lot of time on a press release? You labor over word choice and phrases, have it edited and re-edited, only to find that once it’s out there—it doesn’t get shared? It’s a common struggle for businesses and nonprofits who know that their release contains valuable information, if only peo… Read more

The Art of the Giveaway: Making It Work on Any Platform

August 14 2017

Everyone likes free stuff, right? But not every business will create the perfect giveaway, the one where everyone wants to participate. So what sets the great giveaways apart from the mediocre ones and how do you successfully create a giveaway each time? Not to mention, how do you make a giveaway work no ma… Read more

Free Content: What to Make and Why

July 17 2017

Have you been wondering what to offer your customers on your website? What content would make them stay just a bit longer on your site? There are plenty of types of free content out there and the answer to these questions really depends on your audience. You know them best and could determine whether they mig… Read more

5 Ideas to Transform Your Website in 2017

June 14 2017

Ahh! Nothing like the New Year to get the creative juices flowing and to blow the dust off the old website. You might have been keeping a list of things you’d like to incorporate into your new site, if you ever got around to updating it. Or you might have seen some other websites and noticed how clean and well-de… Read more

Creating the Perfect Social Media Measurement Plan

May 15 2017

Have you ever wondered just how much good your social media marketing was doing for your business? You put all this effort into crafting the perfect post or tweet and then pay to turn it into an ad, but you aren’t really sure whether all the time and money are paying off in the long run. This is why a good social me… Read more

Contacting Bloggers and Journalists: A How To

April 10 2017

The nice thing about contacting bloggers and journalists is that the basics of reaching out to them are the same as if you were reaching out to a friend. First off, you want to personalize your greeting. You wouldn’t reach out a friend with a Dear (Insert Name Here) or you would have a very confused friend. You … Read more

Pitch vs. Press Release: What’s the Difference?

March 20 2017

Have some news about your company? Do you have a new product coming out? What about some new services? You might be thinking that now is a great time to write a press release about the goings-on at your place of business. However, not all news requires a press release and more often than not, your news doesn’t w… Read more