Notice Us, Please! The Best Practices for Crafting a Media Pitch

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media pitch

If you have an upcoming product announcement, interview opportunities with members of your company, or something you think is really captivating that you want the media to write about, a media pitch may be something you want to consider. 

Writing a press release might have been the first thing you thought of doing, but not all news requires one. A press release is generally written in an unbiased way about the piece of news it is talking about. However, a media pitch is a more persuasive “letter” that includes just a brief glimpse about what news you want them to be interested in.  

Members of the media get countless pitches in their inbox every day. How do you make sure your pitch stands out and that they’ll open the email? Better yet, how do you ensure that they’ll hit reply with a resounding “Yes, I’m interested!”

If you’re struggling to figure out how to craft the perfect pitch to grab journalists’ attention, look no further. We’ve gathered some tips and after a little practice, you’ll be writing top-notch pitches in no time. 

What Is a Media Pitch?


A media pitch is sent via direct email rather than a mass distribution system. It is a short message that you can personalize and tailor for the specific editor you’re emailing. Sometimes you can pitch via social media or on the phone, but most editors prefer email pitches. 

You can use a pitch for a lot of different purposes. If you have a new product coming out, you can email editors that would be interested in your product asking if they’d like to review it. You can offer to send them a free sample in exchange for a review. 

If you have any assets, such as images or videos, including those in your pitch will help garner interest. You want to be somewhat formal, but catch their interest and be polite. 

How to Get Started

One of the most important things to consider before crafting your pitch is whether or not your story is newsworthy. You may be really excited that a new team member has joined your company and you want business publications to write about it.

However, you have to think about what publications will be interested in that news and what it is about this new team member joining your ranks that they’ll find captivating to write about. 

Some things to consider when thinking about your topic is whether your story is new information, if it features something prominent and exciting, or if the story is relevant to whatever outlet you are pitching. 

Once you’ve figured out your hook, you need to create your target list. Research appropriate news sites to see if they’ve covered similar topics before. Look at who wrote the piece (especially if it was a recent one) and locate their email address.

You can find their emails in a media database, on the website, or on their own social media pages. If you need extra assistance finding contact information, work with a PR service who can help you gather a list. 

How to Write a Media Pitch

In order to write a captivating media pitch, you want to keep a few pointers in mind:

  • Start with a solid subject line that is free of any errors or typos
  • Have your hook up at the top of your pitch
  • Keep it short, only 2-3 short paragraphs
  • Add a link to any pertinent information, such as website, downloadable assets, etc. 
  • Let them know exactly what you’re offering and that you can’t wait to get them added to your list of interested people
  • Include your contact information

Keep in mind why their readers will want to read whatever piece they end up writing. At the end of the day, they want clicks to their site and to their articles. Include the reasons why readers would be interested in this news. 

Focus on one angle. If you’ve got multiples stories you want to be covered, they need to be separated into different pitches and they also might need to be sent to different editors. Short, sweet, and to the point is the name of the game for pitches. 

Media Pitch Example

Below is an example of a basic media pitch for a new contact:

Hi XX, 

I hope you are doing well! I recently read your article on the top headsets for 2020. I was really captivated by how you broke down each feature. 

My company has a new headset coming out later this year. Not only does it have Bluetooth capabilities, but it is also compatible with PC, PS4, and Xbox. 

I would love to send you a headset for your review. The launch timing is perfect for you to include in your holiday gift guide for your readers. 

What is your address? I can get it out in the mail this week. 



Building Relationships

Once you’ve gotten media interested in your story and they’ve covered it, you now have a working relationship with that editor. When you have another story you’d like to pitch, you can feel comfortable reaching out to them directly since they’re familiar with your company and product. 

Personalizing your pitches helps with this as they will know you’ve taken the time to look at their work and see that they are a good fit for your story. It shows you have an understanding of what they do and who their audience is. 

Getting Your Pitch Out There

Now that you have a basic understanding of what is included in a media pitch, you will quickly master the art of writing them and sending them to the media. It may feel like a lot of information you have to consider, but when you have a great story to share, it won’t be that difficult. 

If you’d like to find more information about public relations and how to draft a killer press release, check out some of our other articles. 

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