Master APA Citation for a Press Release

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apa citation for a press releaseCiting your sources correctly is extremely important when sharing press releases that contain valuable data or insights. By using proper APA citation, you not only give credit to the original authors but also strengthen your own credibility in the eyes of your audience.

So if you’re a small business professional looking to enhance your writing and communication skills, you’re in the right place. In this guide, you’ll find straightforward instructions and examples on how to use APA citation for a press release properly.

Whether you’re drafting a press release for your business or referencing one in a report, these tips will help you get your citations right every time.

Properly Using APA Citation for a Press Release

To use APA press release citations properly, you need to understand two main parts: in-text citations and reference list entries. In-text citations are short notes you put right after using information from a press release, while reference list entries are longer details you put at the end of your document.

When citing a press release in APA format, you’ll include the author or organization, the year, and sometimes a page number if available. For example, if you’re using information from a press release by Apple, your in-text citation might look like this: (Apple, 2023).

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Remember that press releases are different from other sources because they often don’t have individual authors. Instead, you’ll usually use the organization’s name as the author. Keep these basics in mind, and you’ll be on your way to mastering APA citations for press releases.

In-Text Citations for Press Releases

When you use information from a press release in your writing, you need to add a short note called an in-text citation. Your in-text citation for a press release should include the author (usually an organization) and the year the press release was published. For example, if you’re writing about a new product from Microsoft, your citation might look like (Microsoft, 2024).

If you’re quoting directly from the press release, add the page number or paragraph number after the year. For instance: (Apple, 2023, para. 2). When you mention the organization’s name in your sentence, you only need to put the year in parentheses. Example: According to Google (2024), their new app will revolutionize online shopping.

Place your in-text citation right after the information you’ve used from the press release. By doing so, you show your readers exactly where you got your facts, making your writing more trustworthy and professional.

Press Release APA Reference List

At the end of your document, you’ll need to create a reference list entry for each press release you cited. Your reference list entry should include the author (organization), year, title of the press release, and the URL where it can be found. Here’s how you format it:

Author. (Year, Month Day). Title of press release [Press release]. URL

For example:
Apple. (2023, September 12). Apple unveils iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max [Press release].

Make sure to list your references in alphabetical order by the author’s name. If a press release doesn’t have a specific date, use “n.d.” (which means “no date”) in place of the year. Always include “[Press release]” after the title to clearly identify the type of source you’re citing.

Special Cases in Citing Press Releases in APA

Sometimes you’ll come across press releases that don’t fit the usual formatbut don’t worry. For press releases without an author, start your reference with the title of the press release instead of an organization name. If you can’t find a date, use “n.d.” in place of the year in both your in-text citation and reference list entry.

When citing a press release from a news wire service like PR Newswire, include the service name in your reference. For example:

PR Newswire. (2024, January 15). Small business growth surges in Q4 [Press release].

If you’re using a press release that’s not available online, treat it like a personal communication. You’ll only need to cite it in-text, not in your reference list. For instance: (J. Smith, personal communication, March 1, 2024).

For press releases from government agencies, use the specific department or agency as the author, not the broader government entity. For example:

U.S. Department of Education. (2024, February 15). New grant program to support STEM education [Press release].…

Additionally, consider consulting the APA Style website or your local library for guidance. Many libraries offer citation workshops or one-on-one help with citation questions. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your citations are accurate and professional, even in tricky situations.

APA Press Release Format Faux Pas to Avoid

When citing press releases in APA format, you’ll want to steer clear of some common errors. One of the most frequent mistakes is forgetting to include the [Press release] designation after the title in your reference list entry.

For example, a correct entry should look like:

Tesla. (2024, February 1). Tesla launches new solar roof tiles [Press release].

Another mistake to watch out for is incorrect date formatting. In APA, you should use the format (Year, Month Day). For instance:

  • Correct: (2024, March 15)
  • Incorrect: (March 15, 2024) or (15/03/2024)

Be careful not to confuse the author with the publisher. For press releases, the author is usually the organization issuing the release, not the website where you found it. For example:

  • Correct: Microsoft. (2024, April 1). Microsoft unveils new AI assistant [Press release].…
  • Incorrect: (2024, April 1). Microsoft unveils new AI assistant [Press release].…

Best Practices for Citing Press Releases

To ensure your citations are accurate and professional, always verify that you’re using the original press release from the issuing organization’s official website or a reputable news wire service. By doing so, you avoid citing potentially altered or misrepresented information.

When copying information from a press release, double-check your transcription for accuracy. Even small errors in names, dates, or numbers can affect your credibility. If you’re unsure about any details, reach out to the organization’s press office for clarification.

Keep your citation style consistent throughout your document. If you’re citing multiple press releases from the same organization in a single year, add lowercase letters after the year to distinguish them. For example:

(Apple, 2024a)
(Apple, 2024b)

When citing press releases in languages other than English, provide the title in the original language, followed by an English translation in square brackets. For instance:

Samsung. (2024, May 1). 삼성, 혁신적인 폴

Standardizing Your Citation Process

Creating a consistent approach to citing press releases can save you time and reduce errors in your work. To standardize your citation process, develop a simple checklist or template that you can use for every press release you cite. Your checklist might include steps like:

  1. Identify the author (organization)
  2. Find the publication date
  3. Note the exact title
  4. Copy the URL
  5. Check for any special circumstances (like joint releases or updates)

Consider creating a spreadsheet or using a note-taking app to keep track of all the press releases you cite. Include columns for each piece of information you’ll need for your citations. By doing this, you’ll have all the necessary details in one place when it’s time to write your reference list.

Set up a folder system on your computer to save copies of the press releases you use. Organize them by date or organization name, and include the citation information in the file name.

For example: “Apple_2024_03_15_NewProductLaunch.pdf”

Lastly, schedule regular times to review and update your citation process. As APA guidelines may change over time, staying current will help you maintain accurate and professional citations in all your work.

Handling Backlash From Citation Mistakes

Even with careful preparation, you might sometimes make a mistake in your citations that’s noticed after publishing. If you receive criticism or feedback about a citation error, respond promptly and professionally to maintain your credibility. 

First, verify the error by double-checking your original sources and the current APA guidelines. If you confirm a mistake, acknowledge it openly and thank the person who brought it to your attention. Honesty and gratitude can go a long way in maintaining professional relationships.

Next, prepare a correction as quickly as possible. Depending on where your work was published, you might need to submit an official erratum or corrigendum. For online content, update the citation directly and add a note explaining the change and when it was made.

Communicate the correction to all relevant parties, including your team, clients, or readers. Be clear about what the error was and how it has been fixed. Use this as an opportunity to reinforce the importance of accurate citations in your organization.

Ready to Elevate Your Credibility?

By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be able to master APA citation for a press release in no time.

As you continue to refine your citation skills, consider partnering with experts who can help you create and distribute high-quality press releases. eReleases is a leading press release distribution service that can elevate your business communications.

We offer professional writing services and targeted distribution to reach your desired audience effectively. Don’t let the complexities of APA citation hold you back from sharing your business news. Reach out to us today to get support with your press release needs.

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