How Often Should You Send a Press Release?

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send a press releaseAs an industry tycoon, business owner, or member of the media it’s important to know a way to get a journalist’s attention and get your brand recognized. Although you may not always have cutting-edge news, it’s important to constantly be building a rapport with journalists. This means that when your releases hit their inbox your name is familiar.

Do you want to make sure that all of the content you give journalists is quality material? Spamming a journalist will actually have a negative effect on your relationship with the media.

So the real question is what is the balance? What is the right time and circumstance to send a press release? Keep reading to learn about how often you should send a press release.

Why Press Releases Matter

A press release is a way to get attention and share information with media outlets. Press releases are an effective way of creating interest and incorporating fax in an efficient way. By giving the news a first-party testimony or statement you’re able to give them an insight into the story.

Press releases allow you to get in front of a problem, promote innovation, and garner brand awareness. These tools can help make your business or brand stand out amongst others and directly affect your profitability.

How to Send a Press Release

Press release distribution service

When you are publishing a press release it’s important that you follow a few simple steps. Publishing press releases is a much more efficient process when you build relationships with a media list. These are lists of journalists that you have his points of contact with a different marketing agency.

Then you want to compile your actual release with facts and write a submission email to send with your press release. This email is going to introduce the topic and why it’s relevant to certain news sources’ readers.

If you have your own brand you can use your earned media and help generate a buzz. By promoting a release on social media you’ll be able to get more views and further establish your brand name in the news.

Once you’re able to make contact with a publisher and get your release public do you want to track the performance using analytics and reports.

Write What Matters

A well-written press release is concise. It is thorough and refined and fully edited. One of the biggest embarrassments that you can have your brand is to send out press releases that happen undergone thorough editing and proofreading.

By connecting with services like ours as you can ensure that you’re giving top quality contact at a quick professional rate. The news cycle moves quickly and so do we. We work diligently to ensure that your press releases are well written and provide content that matters to readers.

Something is newsworthy just because it happened recently. Some things are newsworthy because when I read or read that they are interested and want to learn more. You need to write about what matters not just company shareholders but all target audiences.

When writing a press release you should not only address the facts of the story. But you also need to address the question of how this matters to a consumer. We go through so much media any given day that ensuring that something is newsworthy is going to be what makes someone stop and read a release.

Leverage Press Releases as Needed

One of the most important elements of sending a press release is building relationships with new sources you will be able to leverage your news. Journalists are much more inclined to publish a release if it is pitched as an exclusive.

Journalists rely on a network of strategic partnerships to help them always have a steady stream of news. By building a relationship you can establish yourself as one of those strategic partners.

Be Timely

One of the most important elements of creating a press release is timeliness. News is only relevant for a short period of time before it loses its wow factor.

It is essential that you and your brand understand the timing and relevancy of a new cycle. This tool can help make sure that your press release makes headlines rather than sitting in a journalist’s inbox.

Another aspect of being timely is to understand the ins and outs of the news cycle. News that breaks on Monday or Friday is not going to get as much attention. It’s going to be shifted off in the morning emails and not make as big of a splash.

When you were sending out press releases to news sources you want to make sure that you’re doing it during the typical workday. Sending an email after hours or before work starts can just ensure that it’s at the bottom of an inbox when a journalist goes to check.

Make an Impact With Your Press Release

Timeliness and quality content can never replace a strong media list. One of the most important aspects of being industry is building strategic partnerships so that your press releases will be well circulated.

No news outlet wants to be spammed with something that isn’t newsworthy. You should never send a press release for the sake of sending one. If there’s no story all that you’re going to do is weak in your relationship with a reporter.

Connect with us to learn more about how to make your press release is more impactful and expand your viewership.

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