Format Press Releases Like a Pro: Common Mistakes to Avoid

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format press releaseNearly 70% of journalists say press releases are the most useful source of content or ideas (editorial site Fit Small Business). Another 74% prefer press releases over any other type of content. However, 57% block contacts that send overly promotional story pitches.

If you don’t format press release writing properly, media outlets won’t publish your releases. You could miss the chance to reach new audiences.

Before that happens, apply these press release formatting tips. Learn how to avoid press release mistakes to get your materials published today!

Avoid Press Release Mistakes

Depending on a newswire’s size and popularity, tens of thousands of press releases are posted daily (Investopedia). Journalists search through these press releases to find interesting, engaging, and informative pieces for their readers. If you don’t avoid press release mistakes, journalists won’t select your release among the rest.

For more effective press release writing, recognize and avoid these errors. Following press release best practices can increase your likelihood of getting published. As media outlets share your releases, you can gain more brand visibility, website traffic, and conversions!

Not Defining the Purpose

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Before following these press release formatting tips, determine why you’re writing your press release. Each press release should have a specific purpose. If you cover too many topics within a single release, journalists may not publish it.

Focusing on a singular topic will help you maintain the reader’s attention. It can also keep them focused on a specific call to action.

Press releases can cover:

  • New businesses
  • New hires
  • New products/product upgrades
  • Upcoming events
  • New services
  • Research findings
  • New ventures
  • Business partnerships
  • Awards/accreditations
  • Book publications
  • Rebranding
  • Crisis management
  • Company mergers or acquisitions
  • Financial earnings

Recognizing the press release’s purpose will ensure you follow the proper format. Each press release will require you to provide specific pieces of information.

For example, a press release for a new product or upgrade should include:

  • The features that set the product apart
  • What new technology was incorporated
  • The product’s functionality
  • Special offers or incentives to generate early sales
  • The cost/cost range
  • A description of the intended audience
  • Where the product can be ordered

An event press release, on the other hand, should mention upcoming webinars, workshops, charity incentives, and VIP exclusives.

Each press release should include the five W’s: who, what, when, where, and why. Readers will require these details to take action, allowing you to generate conversions.

If you’re unsure of what information to provide, outsource your press release writing needs. An experienced press release writer will follow press release best practices. Relying on their writing and distribution services can ensure reputable outlets publish your releases.  

A Lackluster Headline

A strong, compelling headline should grab the reader’s attention by sparking intrigue. Journalists skim through hundreds of press release emails daily. A strong headline will ensure yours stands out while encouraging them to read more.

To create a powerful, engaging headline:

  • Be specific, clear, and concise
  • Be direct
  • Use an active voice
  • Have a news angle
  • Avoid hyperbole
  • Use 10 words or less

Consider the pieces’ news angle. Is the topic impactful, disruptive, or innovative? Make sure it’s factual and interesting without getting too wordy.

Before writing your headline, read some of the publication’s recent pieces. Mirror their editorial style to meet their expectations. Make sure to follow the publication’s guidelines before submitting your release.

Use search engine optimization (SEO) best practices when writing headlines and press releases. Add targeted keywords to the headline. Appearing for relevant searches can help you generate more brand visibility and website traffic.

Avoid sensationalism, fluff, a sales pitch, and jargon. Adding these elements could deter readers.

Writing a Weak Lede

While reviewing your press release, journalists will likely ask themselves, “Why should our readers care?” To ensure your press release is newsworthy, don’t bury the lede. The lede should provide the story’s most important details in a clear, concise paragraph.

Make sure your lede includes:

  • What’s happening
  • Who’s involved
  • Where it’s happening
  • Why it matters
  • When it’s happening

Adding this information to the opening paragraph will help you maintain the reader’s attention. Don’t forget to cut out fluff. Be specific and factual to keep readers engaged.

Make sure to consider your target audience while writing your press release. Show them how you’re providing solutions to their problems or answering their questions. If the press release isn’t relevant to the reader’s needs, journalists won’t publish it.

Neglecting the Structure

Remember, journalists will skim-read your press release. If the release doesn’t follow the proper structure, journalists will toss it aside. Follow these press release formatting tips:

  • Write “For Immediate Release” or the release date
  • Put the company’s contact info and logo in the top right corner
  • Write the headline bold and in all caps
  • Write the sub-header underneath in italics
  • Add the city and state where the company is located
  • Include the month
  • Include your lede paragraph and the body text
  • Add the boilerplate
  • Include an end notation
  • Add final notes and your contact information

The boilerplate should include relevant information about your business. Keep it clear and concise.

The notation is usually “###.” It indicates the end of your release.

Once you’ve mastered this structure, review your press release for typos. Cut out any fluff.

Your press release shouldn’t exceed one page. Remove fluff to ensure it’s concise, focused, and relevant to readers.

If the press release exceeds a page, journalists may start cutting from the bottom up. Use the inverted pyramid style while writing your press release. Include the most important information at the beginning to ensure essential details aren’t cut out.

Add credibility to your press release by including a strong quote from a key figure at your company. For example, you may reference an investor, board member, executive, or project leader.

Make sure their quote provides relevant information. If it doesn’t add a personal perspective to the press release’s core topic, remove it. Trim it down as needed so it’s concise and easy to understand.

After using these press release formatting tips, read your press release aloud. Look for grammatical mistakes, inaccurate information, or spelling errors. Journalists won’t select your press release if it’s full of mistakes.

Reading the press release aloud can help you recognize pieces of content that aren’t relevant to the story. Remember, you could lose the reader’s attention if the writing isn’t clear and concise.

Missing Mixed Media

Consider adding mixed media to your press release. Adding visual content can help you grab and maintain the reader’s attention. Choose visuals that add value to the press release, such as:

  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Animations
  • Graphs/charts

Avoid using stock photographs. Consumers are getting better at recognizing stock images. They could make your brand look ingenuine or cheap.

Adding mixed media to your press release may encourage readers to share your content. You’ll reach even more readers, potentially leading to more sales.

Forgetting the Call to Action

A strong, compelling call to action will ensure the press release accomplishes your primary objective. For example, perhaps you want to announce a new product or service. Your call to action can direct consumers to pre-order the product before it’s on the market.

Make sure your call to action aligns with the press release’s overall purpose. Confirm that it’s clear, concise, and urgent. Add a link to your website to ensure readers take immediate action.

If you’re not generating results from your press releases, consult a writing and distribution company. Their professional services will ensure you accomplish your goals.

No Boilerplate

The boilerplate provides readers with essential information about your business. Specify what your business does and include a few lines about the company’s history. Add a link to your company’s website to encourage readers to learn more.

Make sure the boilerplate is short yet concise. Avoid using confusing jargon.

How to Improve Press Release Quality

Traditionally, PR work consisted of damage control, disseminating company news, pitching journalists, and crafting press releases. Today’s professionals, however, need diverse skill sets. Top skills include:

  • Linking building
  • Recognizing trending topics
  • Managing social media campaigns
  • Search engine optimization knowledge
  • Influencer marketing

According to social media management platform Sprout Social, 88% of PR professionals say strategic planning is one of the most important skills for success in the next five years. Written communications, data, and analytics are also considered essential.

Instead of hiring an in-house PR professional with these skills, partner with a press release writing and distribution company. Leverage their expertise to improve press release quality.

Choose a company with years of experience reaching journalists within your niche. Their effective press release writing services can better ensure your success. 

Correctly Format Press Release Writing

Ready to format press release writing correctly? Follow these press release formatting tips to meet each publication’s standards. Otherwise, outsource your press release writing and distribution needs to an experienced team.

Ereleases offers custom press release services with distribution to over 1.7 million journalists. We can connect you with industry-specific publications to ensure you reach your target audience.

Trust our superior newswire coverage, detailed reporting, and high-quality writing services. Contact us now to place your first order.

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