Choosing the Right Brand Ambassadors

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If you want to take your brand to the next level and really connect with the public, then you need a brand ambassador. Someone to relay your message to your target audience and drive them towards customer loyalty. But how do you go about choosing these spokespeople?

Well, what we often see with larger corporations are celebrities taking up the mantle. For example, multiple professional athletes, most notably NBA legend Michael Jordan, have helped spread the gospel of Nike. But for obvious reasons, there aren’t many celebrities lining up to represent small to mid-sized companies. So where do you turn?

Who Represents You Better Than Your Satisfied Customers?

If your company is even remotely successful, you already have the best brand ambassadors money can buy — your loyal customers. These are the people who truly love what you do, who you are, and what you stand for. They have fallen in love with your company because you have succeeded in connecting with them on an emotional level. After all, that’s exactly what branding is, right?

With social media weaving in and out of pretty much everyone’s daily lives, the stage is set for your customers to become your brand ambassadors. They’re already out there online talking to one another on sites like Facebook and Twitter. All you have to do is connect with them and empower them to share your story.

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Why will this work?

  • Because they will speak directly to your ideal customer. After all, they already are your ideal customer.
  • It’s believable. Someone who has a positive experience with your brand is simply easier to swallow than someone you pay to act like they like you.
  • Research shows that testimonials are one of the most powerful marketing tools you can come up with.
  • When your customers are out there talking you up, no one is going to be scared that they are being “sold to.”
  • Consumers trust one another more than they trust a company or a paid spokesperson.


How to Use a Brand Ambassador

So you decided you would like to handpick customers to serve as your spokespeople. Now what? How exactly do you empower them? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Let them run a blog on your site.
  • Have them start a YouTube channel and create videos based on your brand.
  • Have a customer Tweet out articles relevant to your business.

Remember, your loyal customers are your biggest asset. Why go out and search for brand ambassadors when they are waiting at your fingertips?

This article is written by Mickie Kennedy, founder of eReleases (, the online leader in affordable press release distribution. Grab three free ebooks, including the Big Press Release Book and Twitter Tactics, here:

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