5 Tips for Building Better Relationships with Referral Sources

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If you’re like me, you’ve found referral marketing to be one of the most effective ways to grow your business. I love receiving referrals, because it requires little effort on my part to generate and nurture the lead, and if the referral is coming from a good client, I know that, chances are, the person being referred will also be an ideal client.

Below, I’ve shared 5 tips to keep relationships healthy and profitable with your top referral sources.

1. Meet the referral source in person – Thanks to the Internet, a lot of us never meet our clients face to face. But whenever possible, it’s a good idea to schedule a one-on-one meeting with a referral source. This helps to really establish your relationship with the referral source, and it gives you an opportunity to get to know one another much better.

2. Keep regular contact with the source – Imagine a marriage where the partners never speak (okay, that’s probably not too hard to imagine). It would never last. If you don’t keep in touch with your best referral sources, they might forget about you and stop sending business your way. Keep in touch, and don’t always be asking for referrals. Just enjoy casual conversations with them from time to time.

3. Send them business whenever possible – Whenever you have the opportunity to return the favor to your referral sources, take advantage. There is certainly something to be said for “give and you will receive.”

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4. Thank them personally for referrals – Always thank your referral sources for sending you business, and rather than firing off a quick email, consider sending them a handwritten note or a gift in the mail. This will really stand out and grab their attention, showing them how truly grateful you are for their help.

5. Give them a shout-out whenever you can – Have an opportunity to give your referral source a shout out in a blog post or media interview? Take advantage of it. They’ll love you for it, and it will give them more incentive to keep sending business your way.

Do you get a lot of business from referrals? What are some of the things you do to keep good relations with your top referral sources?

This article is written by Mickie Kennedy, founder of eReleases (https://www.ereleases.com), the online leader in affordable press release distribution. Download your free copy of 7 Cheap PR Tactics for Success in Any Economy here: https://www.ereleases.com/free-offer/cheap-pr-tactics/

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