5 Resources for Creating Your Blog Calendar

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Need help organizing your blog? Time to create a blog calendar! Organize enough, and instead of being faced with the dilemma of what to write about each day, your blog will be nearly on autopilot. You may need some help getting your calendar and scheduling going, though. Here are 5 resources that can get you on your way to blog independence.
1. Google Spreadsheet

Need to get all your posts organized? Instead of using Excel, try using a Google Docs Spreadsheet! Creating a blog calendar in Google Docs can keep you from going crazy about your blog postings, especially if you deal with a whole bunch at one time!

Here’s an example of a Google Spreadsheet from Style Sample Magazine. You can make as many columns and rows as you want to accommodate all the various posts you need to schedule. Instead of trying to memorize things or mark emails, just list them in an easy to use Google Spreadsheet.

2. WordPress Calendar

If Google Calendar isn’t enough to get your blogs under control, try an app for your blogging software. WordPress Calendar is an example. Even though you can schedule blogs ahead of time on WordPress (see #4), the software isn’t super friendly when you have tons of posts you have to rifle through. WordPress Calendar will give you more of a calendar view to see what’s coming up for your blog.

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3. Tweetdeck/CoTweet/Hootsuite/Etc.

Are you still using the Twitter homepage? Probably not, considering absolutely nobody uses it. If you are, you should consider switching to a Twitter app service. Some examples are Tweetdeck, CoTweet, or Hootsuite. If you’re already using these, are you using them to their full capacity? Learn how to properly set up tweets of your blogs way in advance so you never have to worry about missing a post again! Plus, most Twitter 3rd party platforms allow you to track stats, so you can see how many people clicked on your blog post from your Tweets.

4. Your Blogging Scheduler

Still trying to get on the ‘net to post all your blogs on time? Please tell me you’ve at least looked at your blog scheduler. Instead of worrying about rushing on to your Blogger.com account first thing in the morning, just schedule it for ahead of time.

Not only does this set up your morning to be more relaxed, it could make for a very chill month as well. If you have all your posts (and their accompanying Twitter posts) scheduled way ahead of time, this leaves you a lot of time to do other things. Also, it gives you time to fix any problems that come up.

5. Add a Calendar

Do you have set themes for every day of the week on your blog? Maybe Monday is for Education and Tuesday is for Tough Questions. Perhaps you also have Wacky Wednesday or Off-Topic Thursday.

If this is all well and established, you might consider adding a calendar directly to your website. Not only does this help you keep track of your posts, it also helps your readers keep up when they should head back.

Like it or not, your readers will split off into different groups of what they like. Some will return for Wacky Wednesday posts and others will return for Funny Fridays. Despite the alliteration, they may forget when to check back. Let them know with a calendar of upcoming posts!

This article is written by Mickie Kennedy, founder of eReleases (https://www.ereleases.com), the online leader in affordable press release distribution. Download your free copy of 8 Shocking Secrets Press Release Distribution Firms Don’t Want You to Know here: https://www.ereleases.com/landing3.html

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