The Power of Press Releases for Nonprofits: Amplify Your Impact

As a nonprofit organization, you’re constantly looking for ways to increase your visibility, attract donors, and make a bigger impact. One powerful tool that’s often overlooked is the press release. With over 25 years of experience helping small businesses and nonprofits increase their visibility through press releases, I’ve seen firsthand how this simple yet effective strategy can transform an organization’s reach and influence.

Why Press Releases Matter for Nonprofits

You might think press releases are only for big corporations or flashy product launches, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, as a nonprofit, you have a unique advantage when it comes to press releases. Journalists are often more interested in covering organizations that are making a difference in their communities, and that’s exactly what you’re doing.

Remember, journalists are storytellers, and they’re always on the lookout for compelling narratives that will resonate with their audience. Your nonprofit’s mission, the people you help, and the challenges you face all provide rich material for these stories.

Crafting an Effective Nonprofit Press Release

When you sit down to write your press release, keep these key elements of an effective press release in mind:

  1. A Strong Headline: This is your first chance to grab a journalist’s attention. Make it count!
  2. A Compelling Lead Paragraph: Get to the heart of your story quickly and clearly.
  3. Powerful Quotes: This is your chance to control your messaging. Make your quotes count!
  4. Relevant Data: Journalists love data. If you can include statistics that support your story, do it.
  5. A Clear Call to Action: What do you want readers to do after learning about your organization?

The Power of Storytelling in Your Press Release

One of the most effective ways to make your press release stand out is through storytelling. Don’t just tell journalists about your organization – show them the impact you’re making through individual stories.

For example, let’s say you run a nonprofit that provides meals to the elderly. Instead of just stating how many meals you’ve served, share the story of Mrs. Johnson, an 85-year-old widow who was struggling to cook for herself until your organization stepped in. Describe how your meals not only nourished her body but also provided much-needed social interaction through your delivery volunteers.

These personal stories create an emotional connection that can make your press release much more compelling to journalists and their readers.

Leveraging Surveys and Studies in Your Press Releases

One strategy that I’ve found particularly effective for nonprofits is conducting surveys or studies related to your mission. This approach can help position your organization as an expert in your field and provide valuable data that journalists can use in their reporting.

For instance, if you’re a nonprofit focused on childhood literacy, you could conduct a survey of parents in your community about their reading habits with their children. The results of this survey could form the basis of a powerful press release that not only highlights the importance of your work but also provides newsworthy data for journalists to report on.

Building Relationships with Local Media

While national coverage is great, don’t underestimate the power of local media for your nonprofit. Start by identifying the key journalists in your area who cover topics related to your mission. Reach out to them, introduce yourself and your organization, and offer to be a resource for future stories.

Remember, journalists are always looking for good content, and by establishing yourself as a reliable source, you increase your chances of getting coverage. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get an immediate response. Keep reaching out with relevant, timely information, and over time, you’ll likely see results.

And remember what I said about stories? Locally-based stories significantly increase the chance your press release will get picked up by your local media.

Overcoming Common Press Release Mistakes

As you embark on your press release journey, be aware of these common pitfalls:

  1. Writing for yourself, not your audience: Remember, your press release needs to appeal to journalists and their readers, not just your organization.
  2. Neglecting the quote: Many nonprofits write bland, generic quotes. Make yours powerful and memorable.
  3. Forgetting the story: Don’t just list facts and figures. Tell a compelling story that illustrates your impact.
  4. Ignoring timing: Consider current events and trends when crafting your press release. Timeliness can greatly increase your chances of coverage.

Maximizing Your Press Release Distribution

While crafting an effective press release is crucial, how you distribute it is equally important.

For nonprofits with limited budgets, services like eReleases can provide affordable access to major media through our connection with Cision PR Newswire. This can significantly increase your reach and the likelihood of your press release being seen by relevant journalists.

Remember, the goal isn’t just to have your press release appear on various websites. You want journalists to read your release and be inspired to write their own original articles about your organization. That’s when you’ll see the real power of press releases for your nonprofit.

50 Press Release Topics for Nonprofits

Do you like what I’ve said so far, but are struggling to come up with ideas for topics you could write a press release about? Here’s a list of 50 different things a nonprofit could write a press release about to promote their activities:

  1. Launch of a new program or service
  2. Milestone achievement (e.g., 10,000 people served)
  3. Annual fundraising event announcement
  4. Results of a recent community survey
  5. Appointment of a new executive director or board member
  6. Partnership with another organization or business
  7. Receiving a major grant or donation
  8. Opening of a new facility
  9. Launch of a capital campaign
  10. Release of an annual report
  11. Volunteer appreciation event
  12. Results of a successful program
  13. Hosting a community workshop or seminar
  14. Announcement of a scholarship program
  15. Response to a current event or crisis
  16. Launch of a new website or mobile app
  17. Celebration of an anniversary
  18. Recognition or award received by the organization
  19. Innovative fundraising campaign
  20. Release of a research study or white paper
  21. Expansion of services to a new area
  22. Success story of an individual helped by the organization
  23. Hosting a celebrity or high-profile supporter event
  24. Launch of a new awareness campaign
  25. Participation in a national or global initiative
  26. Announcement of a matching gift challenge
  27. Unveiling of a new logo or rebranding effort
  28. Implementation of a new technology to improve services
  29. Collaboration with a local school or university
  30. Announcement of a community clean-up or beautification project
  31. Launch of a mentorship program
  32. Results of an internal audit showing financial responsibility
  33. Hosting a job fair or career development event
  34. Announcement of a new board chair
  35. Launch of a planned giving or legacy program
  36. Milestone in a long-term project (e.g., halfway point in building a school)
  37. Announcement of a merger with another nonprofit
  38. Launch of a podcast or video series
  39. Hosting a charity auction or gala
  40. Implementation of a new sustainability initiative
  41. Announcement of a social enterprise venture
  42. Launch of a youth advisory board
  43. Successful completion of an advocacy campaign
  44. Announcement of free services during a specific period
  45. Launch of a corporate sponsorship program
  46. Hosting a community health fair or screening event
  47. Announcement of extended hours or expanded accessibility
  48. Launch of a holiday giving campaign
  49. Results of an economic impact study
  50. Announcement of a major policy change or organizational shift

Each of these topics provides an opportunity for a nonprofit to showcase its work, engage with the community, and attract attention from media and potential supporters.

Harnessing the Power of Press Releases for Your Nonprofit

Press releases can be a game-changer for your nonprofit, helping you increase visibility, attract donors, and ultimately make a bigger impact. By crafting compelling stories, leveraging data, building media relationships, and distributing your releases effectively, you can significantly amplify your organization’s voice.

Don’t let your size or budget hold you back. Sometimes, being a smaller, lesser-known organization can actually work in your favor, as journalists are often eager to share stories about unsung heroes making a difference in their communities.

So, are you ready to harness the power of press releases for your nonprofit? Remember, every press release is an opportunity to share your mission, celebrate your impact, and inspire others to join your cause. With persistence, creativity, and the right approach, your next press release could be the key to taking your nonprofit to the next level.