10 Tips for Writing a Converting Sales Page

Everyone says that they have “the perfect formula” for writing a great sales page that will move visitors into making…

The Most Important Questions to Ask when Negotiating an Exclusive Coverage Agreement

Offering a reporter or media outlet an exclusive can give them a huge incentive to cover your story. Every outlet…

Ideas for a Video Series to Suit Every Industry

Looking to start a video series? It’s a great idea – the longer the world is on the web, the…

What Your PR Team and Sales Team Should Be Doing for Each Other

Many companies fail to take advantage of internal relationships that could help build their brand and further sales. Case in…

Why Being a Good Listener is the Most Important Part of Networking

We live in an egocentric culture. Many of us are lead to believe, from day one, that the world should…

How to Identify Influential Bloggers

Before you can start pitching bloggers, you need to figure out which bloggers are worth pitching to. Just because someone…

5 Different Ways to Stay Connected to Important Contacts

Networking is an important part of public relations. And while much networking advice focuses on how to grow your network,…

Should You Be Giving Exclusives to Journalists?

Your company has a huge announcement in the works. You’re gearing up to help spread the news out to the…

How Do You Know When It’s Time to Let a Customer Go?

You do everything you can to keep your customers and clients around. Why wouldn’t you? Anything else seems ridiculous –…

When to Tweet a Reporter (And When Not To)

How do you tell when to talk to a reporter on Twitter and when not to? Like emailing them or…