Everyone says that they have “the perfect formula” for writing a great sales page that will move visitors into making a purchase. If “everyone” does have the perfect formula, who do you trust? … Read more
Offering a reporter or media outlet an exclusive can give them a huge incentive to cover your story. Every outlet wants to be the first to cover a big story, so offering them an exclusive is a great way to pique their interest while at the same time building their trust and taking the relationship to the next le… Read more
Many companies fail to take advantage of internal relationships that could help build their brand and further sales. Case in point—the PR team and the sales team. In many cases, they act like two separate families living in the same town. Maybe they see each other from time to time in passing, but they aren’… Read more
We live in an egocentric culture. Many of us are lead to believe, from day one, that the world should revolve around us. It’s all about me, me, me. Well, it sounds great in theory, but it just isn’t true. And if that’s the way you choose to run your business, well…you’re going to fail.
Case in point: networking. … Read more
Before you can start pitching bloggers, you need to figure out which bloggers are worth pitching to. Just because someone has a blog in the niche you’re targeting doesn’t necessarily mean you should spend your time building a relationship with them and pitching them. Yes, smaller blogs can still offer g… Read more
Networking is an important part of public relations. And while much networking advice focuses on how to grow your network, I don’t think we spend enough time talking about how to manage your relationships so you can get the most out of them. After all, you can meet all the people and get all the business cards … Read more
Your company has a huge announcement in the works. You’re gearing up to help spread the news out to the world. Suddenly you have a revelation: let’s offer it as an exclusive! That way our news will seem even bigger than it already is. Plus, we’ll have a unique deal w… Read more
You do everything you can to keep your customers and clients around. Why wouldn’t you? Anything else seems ridiculous – how else do you pay your bills? As a result, you probably end up doing some ridiculous things way beyond when it’s time to let certain people go.
That’s right, let them go. Though it may seem … Read more
How do you tell when to talk to a reporter on Twitter and when not to? Like emailing them or calling them on the phone, there are certain things to consider first. You don’t want to come off as desperate or annoying, and this can happen even if you’re trying to come off as their friend.
It’s not as complicated as i… Read more
If you’re like me, you’ve found referral marketing to be one of the most effective ways to grow your business. I love receiving referrals, because it requires little effort on my part to generate and nurture the lead, and if the referral is coming from a good client, I know that, chances are, the person being … Read more