10 Expert Strategies for Launching a PR Campaign that Gets Results

Did you know that over 80% of consumers say they trust recommendations from journalists more than advertising? That’s just one reason why a strong PR campaign is essential for any business that wants to build credibility and attract... Read More

7 Tricks for Creating Impactful PR Campaigns

It’s no secret that PR tactics have evolved to keep up with the ever-changing technology. Your business should leverage the…

7 Factors of a Successful PR Campaign

Public relations is a continuously growing industry with over 230,000 people working as public relations specialists. Why is this field so vast? Developing a successful PR campaign isn’t a simple or speedy process. It requires careful planning,... Read More

Employees – Hiring, Training, Leading – is this Boring Or…?

Below are some thoughts on employees, and the “boring” work of creating a business that succeeds with both engaged customers…

Email – Forgotten Communication Powerhouse

Boring old email – like the press release, many pundits have declared it dead…I beg to differ! It is true…

Why a List Press Release Might just Give You the Best Bang for Your Buck

There are many different formats you can use when writing your press release. The type of story you’re sharing often…

Why PR Remains the Red-Headed Stepchild of Marketing

We all know that public relations is the best thing since sliced bread, right? As PR pros we become a…

Don’t Mistake Low ROI for No Potential

Return on Investment (ROI) is a funny thing. Sometimes it’s easy to tell when a PR or social media campaign…

Why You Should Be Using Video In Your PR Campaigns

As a PR pro, you know that finding new ways to engage and excite your target audience is absolutely essential…

Controversial PR – When to Risk It?

Is there ever a time to step a toe over the line? While most of our time as PR pros…