4 Press Release Samples for a Product Launch

press release samplesPress releases are published, on average, between 500 and 1,000 times per day on newswire services. Most of the time, local and national outlets will simply ignore most of these releases. So, for yours to gain coverage, it needs to tick all the boxes. Writing a great press release can be complicated thoug… Read more

What Should a Press Release Look Like?

press release sampleMajor press release distribution sites release nearly 1,000 press releases a day. During busy news cycles, this number can skyrocket even more. Because there are so many press releases knocking on journalists’ doors every day it’s important that you make your press release stand out and b… Read more

How Often Should You Send a Press Release?

send a press releaseAs an industry tycoon, business owner, or member of the media it’s important to know a way to get a journalist’s attention and get your brand recognized. Although you may not always have cutting-edge news, it’s important to constantly be building a rapport with journalists. This means that when yo… Read more

8 Factors to Consider Adding When Creating Press Release Headlines

If you’re trying to write press release headlines, you know it’s a cutthroat world out there! For small businesses, there is so much competition that all of your content needs to be top-notch.

When you’re writing a press release, there are a lot of elements to think about. Whether you&… Read more

What Are the Different Types of Press Releases?

types of press releasesThere are many different types of press releases, and industries are relearning what appeals to the public. Last year, the infectious disease industry reported a more than 3,000 percent increase in press releases.

In comparison, the travel industry went down by over 35 percent. The current news playRead more

11 Tips for Writing a Business Press Release

business press releaseJournalists receive thousands of press releases every day. You may wonder if a business press release is still relevant in the digital age. The truth is, a considerable percentage of journalists look at press releases each day to get inspiration for their articles. The evolvement of the press release o… Read more

What’s a Call to Action and Why Is It Important for My Press Release?

what's a call to actionThe most common function of a successful press release is to promote something significant by getting media attention. Press releases are also important marketing tools.

What is a Call to Action in a Press Release?

A call to action in a press release is an instruction or statement designed to get the rea… Read more

What Sets the Best Press Release Service Apart From the Rest?

best press release serviceHave you considered the importance of press releases to your marketing strategy?

A press release is a written or recorded piece of communication sent to media outlets covering important news about your company. The primary purpose of a press release is to capture the attention and interest of news distr… Read more

Why Press Releases Are Critical to Your SEO Efforts

press releasesAre you struggling to reach your customers online? You might want to update your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. If you’re not using press release distribution, you’re missing a chance to boost your ranking.

A higher search engine ranking can position you in front of more custo… Read more

7 Press Release Distribution Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

press release distribution mistakes

So you’ve been spending a ton of time writing press releases, but you haven’t been hearing back from any outlets saying they want to use your piece. What’s wrong?… Read more