Outside the Link: Google’s Crowned PR as the New SEO

Remember years ago when you would search for something and come across a website riddled with nonsense words everywhere? Those…

What to Do with a Failed Press Release

 Well, you gave it your best shot. You wrote a fantastic press release, making sure to write in the inverted…

What Your PR Team and Sales Team Should Be Doing for Each Other

Many companies fail to take advantage of internal relationships that could help build their brand and further sales. Case in…

Press Releases During PR Disasters

You sit down to write your next press release for your company. Just as you start writing your first sentence,…

Recent Press Releases That Show You How It’s Done

Need help with your press release efforts? Looking at samples of press releases is often the best way to know…

Finding the Best Way to Say “Oops, Our Bad”

Apologizing is never an easy thing to do. Even if it comes quickly to you, being humble and accepting blame…

The 5 Things BuzzFeed Can Teach You About Press Release Writing

It seems like I can’t go a day without seeing a link to a BuzzFeed article. Whether it’s 34 Things…

Press Releases that Make No Sense… But Work Anyway

Have you ever heard the phrase “the exception that proves the rule?” When you have a steadfast, unwavering rule, it’s…

The 5 Reasons Reporters Aren’t Using You As a Source

Aren’t you tired of seeing your competitors getting all the ink? Doesn’t it get old seeing someone else in your…

5 Subtle Techniques to Make Your Press Releases More Readable

Do you struggle with getting people to read your press releases? Maybe it’s not that the content is bad. Maybe…