Employees – Hiring, Training, Leading – is this Boring Or…?

Below are some thoughts on employees, and the “boring” work of creating a business that succeeds with both engaged customers and employees – enjoy!

Hiring the Right Customer Service Agents to Represent Your Brand

Your customer service agents are your front line employees. These ar… Read more

17 Experts Respond to Your Email Marketing 9-1-1

According to the Direct Marketing Association, each penny you invest in email marketing will eventually yield an ROI of 4300%, and Gigaom Research has found that marketers consistently rank email as the single most effective medium for awareness, acquisition, conversion, and retention.

Despite so m… Read more

Email Marketing Tips to Learn From the Pros

email_stampNext to press releases, email marketing is one of the toughest things to get exactly right in PR. In fact, it’s safe to say many businesses out there have experienced painful growing pains while they figured it out. Many still struggle with it.

Why? Because it’s very easy to get it wrong and make your custome… Read more

Keeping Your Email Content Crispy Fresh

EAn email campaign is only as good as its content. If you work hard to get a million subscribers you’re just going to lose them if your actual emails stink. What’s even more of a pain is having to constantly come up with fresh content as the weeks, months, and even years go by.

How do you keep the content fresh afte… Read more

Good Intentions Turn Into Bad Public Relations

It was just a simple contest. For Toys “R” Us, Inc., however, it turned into a public relations nightmare.

The toy retailer started off 2007 in ugly fashion after a contest to award the first baby born in 2007 a $25,000 United States savings bond went awry amid charges of xenophobia and racism. … Read more